Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)

The Illness Management and Recovery program is an evidence based practice that helps adults set meaningful goals for themselves, acquire information and skills to better manage their mental illness and to make progress in their recovery.  Options operates multiple IMR programs and each is facilitated by a Peer Support Specialist and a Therapist.  Participants report that they gain a better understanding of their illness and treatment options, better coping skills when feeling stressed or anxious, increased social connectedness, as well as productive, fulfilling goals for themselves.

The Goals of IMR are to:

  • Instill hope that change is possible.
  • Help people establish personally meaningful goals.
  • Teach information about mental illness and treatment options.
  • Develop skills for reducing relapses, dealing with stress, and coping with symptoms.
  • Provide information about where to obtain needed resources.
  • Help people develop or enhance their natural supports for managing their illness and pursing goals
